At St John Vianney Catholic Primary School Greenacre, all staff work collaboratively within their roles to achieve the best possible outcomes for our community.

Leadership and Administration

Mr Andrew BenfieldPrincipal
Mrs Grace ThomsonAssistant Principal
Miss Sara TorresanREC / Class Teacher
Mrs Jessica TownsendCoordinator
Miss Isabella CailottoCoordinator
Miss Joelle El ZoghbiCoordinator
Mrs Josette BakhosFamily Educator
Mrs Rosa CorreiaSenior School Support Officer
Mrs Wendy BoulosSchool Support Officer

Classroom Teachers

Miss Jewel SomaniKindergarten Teacher
Miss Isabella CailottoKindergarten Teacher
Miss Britney VellaYear One Teacher
Miss Georgia KhouryYear One Teacher
Mrs Evie AsvestasYear Two Teacher
Mrs Angela Di Maria Year Two Teacher
Mrs Sara GhanemYear Three Teacher
Miss Sarah CrossYear Four Teacher
Miss Anastasia SadekYear Five Teacher
Mrs Jessica TownsendYear Five Teacher
Mrs Sara Di Mento Year Five Executive Release Teacher
Miss Joelle El ZoghbiYear Six Teacher
Mrs Tahlia TolentinoExecutive Release Teacher

Specialist Staff

Mrs Amanda ColSports Coordinator
Mrs Justine KinghamEALD Teacher
Ms Jan ShortallReading Recovery
Mrs Maria Di DonatoSpecial Education Teacher
Mrs Julia BellomoCreative and Performing Arts Teacher
Mrs Stephanie KaravasilisSpecial Education Teacher

Learning Support Officers

Mrs Kim Mariner
Mrs Antoinette Francis
Mrs Pamela Philippou
Mr David Sanseverino
Miss Jasmyn BoulosLearning Support Officer
Miss Mia LaytLearning Support Officer